Nerdie is appropriately named – nerdy and cutie. What a sweetheart. Knowing I have no family to speak of on the West Coast, he invited me to eat both Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner with his just weeks after we first met.
On Friday, December 23, after “My First Kill,” I went to his company Christmas party. It’s a small business so maybe ten of us, employees and SOs, crowded around a few tables at a local brewery.
He got tipsy on vodka, and was even more talkative and adorable than usual.
We slept in. Planned to get brunch in town and then do some last minute Christmas shopping for his mom.
Showered and getting ready, we couldn’t help but start with the grab assing. It quickly escalated. He laid me down on the edge of the bed so my legs hung off. On his knees, he grabbed underneath my ass and started gently licking my pussy.
As usual he licked me like a book (see “Nerdie: The City Adventure, Now” for that reference). I don’t know if it was because I hadn’t cum for a few days or because he’s just that fucking good or both, but it will go down as one of the best orgasms I’ve ever experienced.
My feet started burning while simultaneously my calves broke out in to a cold sweat.
He and I were in rhythm as he pulled back and forth on my ass with my hips in sync.
I came so quick and so fucking hard.
As it was reverberating through me, he quickly got up and plunged his hard, veiny cock inside me. Soaking wet, he slid in fast and deep.
I felt an explosion on the inside of my pussy like never before. It was as if the flesh on his cock was pulsing and it made my orgasm keep going and going.
I was screaming and moaning somewhere on another planet.
He hit me harder with his thighs slamming against the outside of my pussy. It was feverish and fast and loud.
He came as I was still coming down. He stopped, collapsed on my chest with his half-hard cock still inside me. I twitched and jerked uncontrollably. Something that had never happened to me before.
I let out the biggest sigh of pleasure I’ve ever known.
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