Denver in Denver

We were both counting down the days like Christmas was coming.

He sent me updates on plans he was making for the long weekend. I sexted back to keep the excitement flowing strong.

I was to leave work early on Friday, drive to Oakland, park, fly and he’d meet me at the Denver airport. He had a hotel reservation at the renovated train station downtown. It had become a swanky collection of restaurants, shops, and actually an Amtrak depot on the first floor with equally swanky rooms. He secured one with a tub.

We’d stay there two nights and then go to the mountains to his condo for the third before I flew out on Monday.

The day before I was to fly out, he told me he went shopping…and not to the grocery store.

I did some shopping of my own. Found a mug online that said “Cleanliness is next to godliness, Be clean!” Inside I put an airplane-approved bottle of bubble bath for us to enjoy.

That night I woke up 3AM and had to watch Netflix for an hour before I could fall back asleep. The next day at my desk the minutes ticked by as if each was an hour.

The drive was slow. The shuttle was slow. Security was slow. Waiting at the bar was slow. Boarding was slow. And OMG the flight took years! I didn’t even think that SouthWest wouldn’t have TVs on such a short fight. I had to kill two hours micro-sipping a bourbon and ginger, listening to Pandora offline where I had access to only three of my stations and staring at the same Sudoku puzzle. ARGH!

Thankfully I snagged a fifth row seat so I could get off the plane fast. I texted him I had landed. He said he’d be waiting after I got off the tram wearing a blue jacket.

I fixed my hair, powdered my nose, put good smelling lotion on my hands and neck and exited the tram with my heart in my throat.

Riding up the escalator I scanned the crowd for him, and spotted him at the end standing off my himself. I turned once off the escalator and locked eyes with him. Both of us were grinning ear to ear. I wrapped my arms around him tight and gave him a big hug. We said hi, gave a short peck and then couldn’t stop giggling.

He put his arm around me as we walked to the parking garage. He loaded my luggage in the trunk and came around to open the car door for me. Instead of reaching for the door, he slammed me up against the car and stuck his tongue down my throat.

We were both groping each other as fast as possible pressed as hard against each other as we could. I felt his cock get hard on my leg. We joked about finding a dark corner of the garage to park.

After a few minutes, we managed to untangle and we drove off to the hotel. He had already checked in and I was told things were waiting for me.



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