I opened the side door as slowly as possible. Took my worn cowboy boots off just inside and carried them to the second bedroom. Small creaking on the steps caused me to pause and listen, but all I heard was his white noise app – not even a snore. I was Friday at 1:30AM, and I had been out all night carrying on up valley with the girls.
I pulled my grey sweater dress over my head and unhooked my black lace bra. Slid my hands inside my black hipster panties and pushed them down to the floor. Left my socks on and snuck back down to the living room. Curled up in a blanket and passed out.
I woke up in the middle of the night remembering the plumber was coming at 10AM. Set my alarm for 9:30AM and passed the fuck back out.
Nerdie woke me before the light of day, gave me a kiss before he left for work.
“Woah! You smell boozy, woman! But I love you…see you tonight. Have a good day.”
It seemed like the next moment was me being jolted awake by the alarm.
I unplug my phone, get up and make my way to the bathroom. Fucking freezing my ass off, literally, as I walk naked across the living room.
My eyes pop open and turn to the back slider. Shit, are the guys outside working on that house next door?? If so, they are getting a free show right now! Fuck it – my head hit a brick wall or is a brick wall. Whatever the fuck, I’m in fucking pain.
I get myself together. Get a shower. Pop two antacids and a kombucha from the fridge. Get coffee going and sit down at my desk.
Bang. Bang. Bang.
Shit. Didn’t finish getting dressed yet. Just short pj shorts, hoodie, socks and flip flops. No bra. No panties. Hair still wet.
I open the door and I’m surprised to see a young kid. No uniform. Wearing a worn-in black Cal sweatshirt, dark blue work pants and boots.
“Hi! I’m the plumber.”
He’s tall, about my height, slender. Can’t really tell his build through that sweatshirt. Dark, oval eyes that point upward at the edges.
He starts talking about my hot water heater, but all I hear is…
“Pilot light. Ignitor. Dirty inside.”
I’m not looking at his eyes because these fucking sexy words about my fucking hot water heater keep coming from those big ass lips of his.
OMG – I want to jump on that bottom lip! It’s as full as my pussy lips. And he’s talking. And I’m staring at his bottom lip wishing it was wrapped around my nipple. Both hands underneath my tits. Pushing them together. Switching back and forth. Juicy lips all over.
Fuck. Ok. Yes, the hot water heater is dirty inside potentially causing the pilot light to switch off. Call the manufacturer. Blah. Blah.
As I hear blah, blah, blah. My mind wonders bringing my eyes down to his pants.
His zipper is down about an inch. I want to walk over and slide my hand in the opening and feel on his dark lead. I put my hand in, over his soft cotton briefs, and my stroke down is long and slow. His cock is so fucking long. Hard as lead by the time I get to the end.
I don’t even look up before I fall to my knees on the kitchen floor, unzip his pants and hastily pull his pants down. I grab his cock and thrust it into my mouth. An explosive moan comes barreling out of his mouth.
I wonder if the guys working outside on the house next door can see anything. Or heard him scream out.
He grabs on to the wall to steady himself. Pants at his ankles over his boots. I grab onto his thick, dark thighs. They are fucking muscular for such a slim guy.
I ran my left hand up to his abs. Tight as fuck.
I move that hand around to his ass, and push his cock deeper into my throat.
“Oh my god…stop.”
He bends down and pushes my shoulders off him. Shit, he’s going to get fired over this. My brain has only a split second to feel bad for him.
Before I have another thought, he grabs me by the waist and picks me up with ease, putting me down on the peninsula table on the other side of the kitchen. He takes both hands and pulls off my shorts in one motion. Grabs my ass and pulls it to the end of the table. Takes his cock in his right hand. Pushes in between my legs and buries that fucking dark lead in me.
I immediately give over and lie down on the table top. My shoulders, head and ass rocking back and forth as he plunges in and out. His grip is tight on my hips.
My legs are against his shoulders. It doesn’t take long for his cock to explode.
He pulls out and the cum drips from my pussy on to the floor. I just lie there, completely relaxed, while he begins to pull himself together.
I regret I didn’t get to feel those lips on my pussy, on my tits.
I sit up and we both display wide grins and laugh. Without another word, he bends down and takes my right breast in his mouth. Those fucking big, juicy lips wrapped around. The tip of his tongue teases the end of my hard pink nipple.
I jolt up on the couch. WTF?!? It’s light out. My alarm is buzzing. I look at my phone. It’s 9:30AM.
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